Experimed - 2023;13(3):170-173
Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the age and regional characteristics of the quantitative indicators of lymphoid nodules the intrahepatic bile ducts in humans. Materials and Methods: In our study, the lymphoid structures of the intrahepatic bile duct walls taken from the corpses of 48 people, including newborns, early childhood, puberty, adolescence, adulthood and, elderly were examined. Lymphoid formations were stained using Hellman’s method, a macro microscopic method. The digital data obtained during the study were subjected to statistical processing. At the same time, the general recommendations for medical and biological research were observed. Results: A macro microscopic study of lymphoid formations in the human intrahepatic bile ducts showed that lymphoid formations in the walls of these organs were represented by lymphoid nodules and diffuse lymphoid tissue. Lymphoid formations were determined in the neonatal period and throughout subsequent life. Lymphoid nodules on total preparations were detected as dark (mostly dark blue) structures located against a lighter background of the surrounding organ wall. The peripheral contours of the lymphoid nodules were clearly defined, and the germinal centers were constantly absent. The number of lymphoid nodules was maximal in the lobular ducts and minimal in the common bile duct. This indicator was increased from the neonatal period to early childhood and then gradually decreased. Conclusion: The results of this study have revealed that lymphoid nodules of the intrahepatic bile ducts acquire maximum development in early childhood. Further, the morphometric parameters of the lymphoid structures gradually decrease, and involutive transformations were noted.