Türk Fen ve Sağlık Dergisi - 2025;6(1):17-27
Purpose: This research was conducted to examine fatigue, depression and quality of life levels in individuals with hypothyroidism and the relationship between variables. Material and Methods: The study was conducted with 150 individuals who were treated with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism at the Endocrinology Clinic of a State Hospital located in a province and who met the inclusion criteria for the study. Study data; It was collected by face-to-face interview using the Individual Introduction Form, Beck Depression Scale, Piper Fatigue Scale and ThyDQoL-TR Quality of Life Scale. The data were analyzed in a computer environment using appropriate statistical tests. Results: In the study, it was determined that the fatigue severity of individuals with hypothyroidism was moderate (4.97±1.59), the depression severity was mild (15.43±8.83), and their quality of life was negatively affected (-5.34±8.44) compared to their situation before hypothyroidism was diagnosed. It was determined that there was a moderate positive relationship between the Piper Fatigue Scale subscales and total scale score and the Beck Depression Inventory scores. Conclusion: The study concluded that individuals with hypothyroidism experience fatigue and superficial depression, and their quality of life is negatively affected after being diagnosed with the disease. In this context, it is recommended to evaluate fatigue, depression and quality of life levels in individuals with hypothyroidism, plan appropriate nursing interventions and raise awareness by organizing training/consultancy programs.